Saturday, July 28, 2012

So this is how the other side lives!

We have officially arrived at the Fairmont Mt Kenya Safari Club in Kenya. This morning, we left Amboseli, boarded a plane and stepped into the world of luxury. I kid you not, this place is out of the movies - literally! The former retreat for William Holden, Mt Kenya Safari Club has had many impressive guests over the years including Winston Churchill and Bing Crosby. The grounds are absolutely gorgeous - included are vegetable gardens where the produce grown is directly served on the dining rooms, rose gardens, a beautiful pool, front and back patios, and even a little maze (this was the first thing we did when we arrived - made it from start to finish in 10 minutes flat... with just a little help from a friendly hedge trimmer we bumped into while roaming in circles!). We will be staying here for 3 nights in total and will have the afternoons free to do as we please with mornings full of fun different activities.

This morning, when we arrived we we privileged to a fun little equator ceremony. Because the hotel is built along the equator line, we can switch back between the two hemispheres. We watched a great demonstration where there were two bowls - one on the left and one on the right. They poured water into the bowls and watched the leaves circle based on which hemisphere the bowl was placed. Literally, the two bowls were less than 25 meters apart, yet drained in different directions - magic! (or just a little magnetic force!). We then had to dance across the equator line to receive our certificate signifying that we have walked across the ine. It was a lot of fun and everyone got into the ceremony!

Afterward, we went to visit the animal orphanage, which is home to many injured animals. Here, we saw many of the animals we have seen out in the wild - just up close and personal! We were able to feed the monkeys, pet a dik-dik, and see leopards up close and personal! We also came across a sweet little buffalo that was only a few weeks old. It was abandoned by it's mother and the orphanage took it in to care for it. It was so attached to the animal keeper who was showing us around - we quickly 'adopted" the little guy as our mascot, both literally and figuratively! Everyone decided to chip in a few dollars to formally adopt the buffalo and we will name her Debra, after our tour director. The orphanage will send updates and pictures until they release her into the wild. What a cool thing, right?!

Tonight we are going to have a nice dinner and relax - finally! Tomorrow morning we will have a game drive and hopefully will see some rhinos and a new type of zebra and giraffe we have not ye seen. Then in the afternoon, I am going to go horse back riding for the FIRST time ever (I am officially crazy, but hey, when in Africa right?!) and Aunt Kathy is going to take a nature tour of the grounds. Overall, should be a great day!

Hope everyone is doing well and will send updates after our adventures tomorrow! Until then, we will continue living the high life, in the shadows of Mr. William Holden himself!

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