Saturday, July 21, 2012

So, our luggage didn't make it... but we finally did!

We headed to the airport around 10:30am EST on Thursday morning and after connecting in both Atlanta and Amsterdam, we finally landed in Kilimanjaro late Friday night and made our way to Mountain Village Lodge in Arusha arriving to champagne and warm welcomes. Despite sleeping in the same clothes we have worn since our Thursday morning departure (jeans are certainly NOT pajamas!) the accommodations are very nice and the staff could not be friendlier! We have been promised with a 100% guarantee that our bags will arrive tonight - so here's hoping! We all know how seriously I take promises. They are lucky I didn't make them pinkie swear! 

This morning our 7am self inflicted wake up call came a bit too earlier; nonetheless, we showered and had a fairly European-esque breakfast. Looks like I am becoming a coffee drinker on this trip! Afterward, we met a great couple from Jersey who joined us for a walk down to the market where locals gather to sell their produce. We saw the most colorful carrots, eggplants, bananas galore! Though we 110% stood out like sore thumbs, our guide, who also happens to be the head of security, took great care of us and led us around (and away from the cars that went barreling down the BUMPIEST roads ever!). Turns out he has his diploma and wants to get a degree from the States in politics - he asked me if I wou-ld vote for him and run his campaign... hey, I'm looking for a career change, so why not!?

Afterward, we headed to the Cultural Heritage Center a bit further into town, which was admittedly a tourist trap...but the most "authentic" tourist trap I've ever seen. There were masks, beads, beautiful sculptures, and tons of other knick knacks we'd love to bring back and share...if only we had our luggage. :) On our drive, we saw what seemed like hundreds of natives walking toward the markets carrying produce on their heads, others washing clothes in the streams and even some goats scouring for food. To say it was an eye opening- experience is an understatement.

Now we are back at the lodge after enjoying a great lunch/dinner outside. We are to meet our tour director tonight and then most likely hit the hay... hopefully in pajamas! Today was the day that most arrived, so tomorrow is when the safari officially begins! We'll report back then - and hopefully have some pictures to share!

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