Sunday, July 29, 2012

Rhinos, Chimps, Horses, and Albino Zebras Galore!

Yesterday was a great day here in Kenya! We woke up LATE (for once!) and headed out to the Ol Pejeta Conservancy around 8:30am to drive through the grounds and search for new animals we have not yet seen! First on our list was the Rhino and within a few minutes, we saw a mama and baby rhino hanging out and munching on the grass with some warthog families in the background. It was a great sighting and we were so happy to check it off our list, as rhinos are very difficult to find (they are protected animals and have maybe only 100 or so in the entire conservancy). We also saw some Hartebeest which are appropriately named, as their antlers go back from their head and almost form a heart shape. In addition to these, we also came across the standard Thomson and Grant Gazelles and an abundance of zebra (I was in heaven!)

We then headed down to Jane Goodall's Chimpanzee Sanctuary. Now admittedly, this was not my favorite, as chimps are not exactly the nicest animals in the world and our visit was no different. However, it was nice to see them in their natural environment (with a huge stream separating us from them - luckily they cannot swim!). I caught some video of them "talking" to each other, which basically just sounds like loud and crazy squeals! The part I did enjoy, however, was learning about Jane Goodall and her mission to save the chimps. There were 28 chimps in the sanctuary who have been rescued from all over the world - mainly in Cameron and the Sudan where the chimps are sold on the street corner, even though this is illegal. It is absolutely horrible how these chimps are treated, and so it was reassuring to learn about how they are making a home for them here in Kenya...even though this is not their natural habitat.

After our game drive and trip to see the chimps, we returned to the Mt Kenya Safari Club where we were privy to the most amazing brunch I have ever seen in my entire life! From roasting pigs, to hand tossed salads and make your own cupcakes, this hotel definitely knows how to do things right! We are absolutely spoiled!

In the afternoon, I went on my first ever horse ride - I am not going to lie, I was absolutely terrified! I wouldn't say I am scared of horses, but I have a healthy respect for them and would not want to cross them. Nevertheless, a group of 6 of us, hoped on the horses (with English saddles aka nothing to hold on to!) and went on a walk through the Mt Kenya conservancy. Overall, it was great, though I got nervous when my horse, Rida Vista, who was the oldest (12 years old) yet the fastest, decided he wanted to gallop up the hill we were going toward. I held on tight and somehow managed to not fall off! We had 3 guides with us and I was second in line (the guide was first), though Rida Vista was hard pressed to lead the pack! On our walk, we also came across some baboons, zebra, and even ALBINO zebra, which was a real treat - and apparently is a sign of good luck! The guide was kind enough to take a few pictures with my camera, as I refused to let go of the reigns to do so myself, so I will certainly share them with everyone looking for a good laugh! After about an hour, we headed back to the Club just as the skies were opening up with rain! This morning my rump is a bit sore, but no muscle pain, which is a good sign - I guess those spinning classes have not gone to waste! :)

Today we are headed out to see a spinners and weavers shop and visit and local school, so I will report back tonight!

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